Digital Printing for a Wide Variety of Materials The digital printing lines are the best solution to make your production capability more flexible being able to attend the needs of any customer fast an easy having the costs under control. Contact us

Deco Flooring

Wooden panels, plastic panels, metallic sheets, roll material, ceramic tiles, flooring, cork, linoleum, glass…
The digital technology offers endless possibilities ahead of the conventional technologies.

Revolutionary features that enhance the production systems of sector like:


Welcome to a New Era in Digital Printing… Welcome to BARBERAN’s DEEPBLUE EIR

For almost two decades Barberan has been the leader in the development of single-pass digital printers for furniture and flooring industries, manufacturing high-quality printers that can reproduce in a hight reallistic manner any wood, stone, and other surface designs at high industrial production speeds.

To make it seem authentic, you need to create sensations, so both haptical and optical perceptions have been obtained with our patented technology embossing in register; BARBERAN DEEPBLUE. Our great team of professionals from all over the world constantly develop, study and improve on exisiting and new tools, allowing us to be at the forefront of our field. This innovative and advanced system can generate any of texture effects that convey the perfection of natural materials in flooring and decorative panels.

Barberan DeepBlue solves the main issue with the existing technologies: design sharpness and texture depth. Unlike with other technologies, the texture is not generated directly by printing on the board. The jetable material modifies the properties of the wet coat only in selected areas of the pattern and at different depths and then the texture is generated.

1.Cleaning & Acconditioning

Roller coater units for the application of UV or water based adhesion primers, surface tension control, sealers if required and pigmented basecoat in order to prepare the board for the digital printing. All UV dryers are equipped with smart energy control that allow up to 80% consumption savings.


2.Digital Printer

Single-Pass Digital press for widths up to 1890mm, equipped with 6 colors, our Jetmaster printers can print a wide gamut of colors with special homologated UV ink combinations for better quality and reduced metamerism.


3.Texturing Base Coat

Roll coaters for the application of a wear layer which are used to create the DeepBlue EIR.



4.DeepBlue - EIR press

Jetmaster Single-Pass digital press synchronizes digital patterns with the previously printed design in order to create a texture effect. It prints using a specially formulated ink modifying the properties of the coating in the pre-selected areas.


5.Texturing Revealing

Sublimation is produced by DeepBlue and texture is revealed in a succession of procedures before applying the top coat as the last finish layer.

Barberan DeepBlue is available with Jetmaster printers 1260, 1610, 1750 & 1890 mm wide.

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